"Eu não sou promíscua. Mas sou caleidoscópica: fascinam-me as minhas mutações faiscantes
que aqui caleidoscopicamente registro."

(Clarice Lispector)

quinta-feira, 29 de outubro de 2009

Thursday morning...

Suddenly he comes in through the frontdoor like a hurricane and asks me if i would marry him. With the glasses on the tip of my nose i say "ok". I start reading my book again. I see him smiling.
We're old and we don't dance like we used to in the early days, but we're still crazy about each other. I'm 73 and he's 63. It's 40 years from now. He'll be proposing me everyday. And i'll keep saying "i do" to him... till we get really tired and life tears us apart (but i don't really believe this bitch can beat us...)

[Yes, sometimes i have those "and they lived happily ever after" dreams...]

3 comentários:

E agora José? disse...

We will baby, for sure.
Time is on our side.

Enfim bons sonhos. Meu dia começou feliz.

charbak disse...

lembrei de quando eu levantava mais cedo pra ouvir música sozinho pela manhã, no minha antiga casa.

I'm Nina, Marie, etc... disse...

Música, café e um pouco de paz... É uma outra trilogia interessante...